Thursday, April 25, 2013



     The truth is I've never really thought of myself as much of a writer. I've always been more of a performance artist. I've always been intimidated by writing if I'm being honest.  When I read, I don't necessarily read to be entertained. It's more something to tickle parts of my brain that television and video games don't always reach. One of my major worries is not being able to tickle those same bits of the brain on other people, as a good writer will to me.  So, here I am, endeavouring to entertain you and to a larger extent tickle parts of your brain in a manner I am somewhat unfamiliar with.  If all goes according to plan you will come back and read this from time to time and maybe I can put a smile on your face, and brighten your day... or really piss you off. Either way, I suppose I've succeeded. At what? I'm not entirely sure. But at the very least I will make you cock an eyebrow and go "wow, what's wrong with this guy".  Enjoy or don't enjoy my blog, that's up to you. Either way I thank any of you that have taken the time to read this and leave a comment or two.

The Warmest of Regards,


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